Many parents feel that home schooling is the best option for imparting quality education to their children. The reasons may be different, such as the falling status of public schools or the ever-increasing costs of education at private schools. Home schooling requires the continued involvement of the parents in the education of the child. To aid the child in home schooling and to provide the necessary guidance and support to the parents in the various activities, there are many companies that manufacture different types of Home schooling software. Study-star This is a program designed to help parents to organize the necessary paperwork, reports, homework and notes.
It enables the parents to create self-tests using the notes. It even helps in tracking the time spent on tasks involving the homeschooling and records how much time is spent using the entire program. This data is necessary in order to satisfy the requirements of the State Government.
It also helps when you spend time in designing transcripts for your child and would like to have the time spent, converted into credits. This software has been created by Able Plus Systems. The Homeschoolers companion This also is a program that helps to plan, organize, track and document the home school activities.
It is available with Franwell Corporation. Super Tutor Series These are different series of homeschooling software created by Accurate Research Incorporated. There are different titles in the series, like English, Biology, Physics, Middle School and High School mathematics. Reading memory and comprehension software There are a number of software available, to improve the memory, reading and comprehension skills of your child. Alarice Multimedia is one such company that specializes in the production of the software.
Interactive reading and writing software Realizing the power and need for personalized education, there has been a dedicated effort to develop computer software that would enable a varied approach to students at different levels. For example, the slow student would receive help to concentrate on reading, while the smart and faster one would be able to absorb literature. The special design of the software has been created, after taking into account the various concepts of home schooling. These include immediate child to parent feedback, since the lessons are designed to offer instant feedback, regular reinforcement of academic lessons, creation of a personalized curriculum and greater time flexibility and economy. One company that creates such software is Baggetta Ware Teacher Tech. It also offers free samples of lesson plans, software, tutorials and many related tips on their website.
Software for building fluency in facts and terms Think Fast is a program that has been specially created to strengthen the fluency in facts and terms, in the homeschooling child. The software package is marketed by Celebration Technologies. Educational Software For home schooling kids in the age group of five to ten years, there are software in language arts, phonics, early learning, reading, science, social studies and geography.
The software packages are available with Comp Ed, Inc. The School express website has a number of homeschooling software packages that are available free of cost. Foreign Language software Specialized software in foreign languages is available for your child, while he goes through homeschooling. He can learn Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Russian and Chinese. These software packages are available with The Rosetta Stone Company. Software for home schooling is available at many places.
The cost of these home schooling software packages vary according to the type of program selected and also the company. There are certain websites that offer a number of programs that can be downloaded for free.
Click Here for the best Homeschooling Online programs. Citizens' High School is fully accredited by the DETC as a Homeschooling Provider. For Homeschooling News please visit our website. If you need immediate help phone 1-800-736-GRAD (4723) or email This article can be distributed and used free as long as it remains unchanged and includes links.